Helping Elaine overcome her fear of needles

Elaine had a severe phobia of needles all her life. Routine encounters with needles were always distressing for her and any hospital visits or procedures extremely traumatic.
Elaine was then unfortunately diagnosed with breast cancer. Under the care of Ms Jenny Piper, Consultant Breast Surgeon, Elaine went on a course of medication to help shrink the tumour whilst avoiding needles, but an operation was still needed.
Elaine was referred to Dr Phil Simpson, Clinical Psychologist, as an urgent case. The combination of her severe needle phobia and the breast surgery was going to be a challenge. After sessions with Dr Simpson, Elaine learnt techniques and strategies to start to overcome her fears and be able to handle needles.
Despite this progress, Dr Simpson needed to think about ways Elaine could practice these strategies with needles being inserted to be confident ahead of the big nuclear injection and surgery that was needed.
This is where your donations came in to help. Michelle Kirkman, Complementary Therapist for Cancer Services had recently been trained in auricular acupuncture, with the specialist chair, needles and other equipment all being paid for by Y&S Hospitals Charity.
Elaine was to be the first patient to benefit from the Michelle’s expertise, as due to Covid only staff had been able to trial the procedure so far.
The treatment involves having 10 needles inserted in certain points of the ears to boost relaxation and wellbeing. In Elaine’s case, she could practice her coping strategies in real life as the small needles were inserted. Elaine managed to have all 10 needles in her ears with no problems and went on to successfully have her nuclear injection and surgery. She is incredibly grateful to everyone who went above and beyond to get her the treatment she needed.
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