Therapy equipment for Intensive Care Unit
17 FEBRUARY 2025
York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity enhances patient care by funding equipment and services beyond that which the NHS can fund. One recent initiative was the purchasing of therapy equipment for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients, significantly benefiting patients.
Charlotte Vamplew, Physiotherapist, said: “The therapy team on ICU was very grateful to receive a new rehabilitation trolley, including much needed therapy equipment to help patients to begin their often long and complex rehab journeys to recovery.
All the items we have received will help our patients to regain some form of independence and functionality.
For instance, the whiteboards will help our patients communicate, handheld mirrors will help patients learn how to do tasks such as brush their teeth and hair again, and therapy bands to help patients start strengthening their muscles.
We were pleased to receive some gardening tools, pots, and a watering can. We hope to plant seeds with our patients which they can take with them when they leave hospital. These plants will symbolise their individual journeys and remind them of their strength throughout their time in hospital.
Finally, we received an aromatherapy diffuser with lavender scents and calm sensory lighting to support our end-of-life patients and their families.
All items will be gratefully used!”
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